Special Issues

Tāmaki Makaurau Histories

Research topics in this planned Special Issue, to be submitted to the New Zealand Journal of History, will range from spatial and environmental to cultural and social histories, as we explore the vibrancy, diversity and global significance of the history of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland in all its manifestations. Tangata whenua will be at the forefront, with a case study conducted on the multiple iwi histories of Auckland’s North Shore in pre-European times. Cultural history will form the basis of an exploration of the varied meanings attached to Auckland’s Queen Street over time, often (falsely) regarded as a dead space. Another paper will explain Auckland’s rise to “primate” status in Aotearoa New Zealand, placing it in the context of comparable overseas cities. Other papers will be invited to explore Auckland’s diverse peoples and landscapes. We envisage the Special Issue consisting of an introduction and about six research-based papers.

Professor Linda Bryder and Dr Jessica Parr

History, Te Puna Aronui School of Humanities

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland

Ekistics and the New Habitat

Ekistics and the New Habitat is an international, peer-reviewed, online journal whose mission is to improve the quality of human settlements. It does so by disseminating research and innovation related to all types and bounded frames of human settlement across all scales and developmental contexts. The journal publishes three issues annually and engages with pressing issues in architecture, urban design, planning and sustainable development. Presenters at the conference will be invited to submit to the international, peer-reviewed, online journal Ekistics and the New Habitat. Accepted contributions will be collated into a thematic special issue: Re-Imagining the City: Legacies, Challenges, Possibilities. It will be published in the second half of 2024.


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Email: ccc@auckland.ac.nz